Tuesday, March 25, 2008


78...that's how many shoes we collected for Soles4Souls. Isn't that amazing??? I was hoping for 50 pair, but 78??? That more than exceeded my expectations.

I love our group! We had a wonderful time talking about the ministries that we are being a part of when we have parties. So far, over $700 has been raised for the family in Ecuador. Then, Stephanie shared about the Soles4Souls. One of the guys who was new to the group and obviously didn't know what was going on, took off the shoes that he had on his feet and added them to the pile for Soles4Souls.

Later on, the girls that were here that are in my village went into my bed room and prayed over one of our girls. Her mom died in May 2006 and Sunday was her birthday. We knew that it was probably hard on her. It was a very sweet time.

Also, three of our friends that we are closed to gave us an Easter basket. They bought us some chocolate, some food that we like, and they made some t-shirts for us (you will see those in the pictures). They put it all together with a cute story that they made up. What a wonderful community that we have here!

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