At the "baby shower" which was our Party with a Purpose for May, it was so funny when I saw our friend, Lucas (the bmx rider whom I blogged about the other day) and his friend who is a tattoo artist (both single guys) going through the registry trying to choose a good baby gift. The tattoo artist asked what a snugli was and I told him that I'd been advised from one of my friends who is a mother that it is really good. Then, Lucas said, "I bought them the gate. Think about it! What if the baby starts to crawl down the stairs into the basement...Think about it!" Who knew that the same guy who back flips his bike several feet in the air would be so concerned about safety?
While Brock was out in L.A., he stopped by Travis and Delaine's house (the ones that we had the baby shower for). Brock took a few clothes and stuff given to us by one of our friends whose baby has outgrown the clothes. Delaine was blown away by the generosity of everyone. She showed him notes from people who said that they heard about the need on this blog and decided to give. She pointed to something and said that she didn't know whom that was from but she thought that it was a cool was the gate from Lucas! Thank you so much to everyone who contributed!!!
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